Day Drinking In Quarantine

Let’s talk about day drinking. Most of our states are under shelter in place orders or some form of lockdown, so the short version of this month’s blog is that time isn’t real. Go wild. The longer version is that even though time isn’t real right now, eventually it will be again and there will […]

Be Cool

Remember in Pulp Fiction when Jules and Vincent interfere with the diner robbery? A few moments stick out from that scene, but the one that always got me was when Jules calmed everybody down. He maintained control of the situation, addressed everyone who needed to be addressed, and said, “Bitch, be cool.” That’s something that’s […]

The Reason for the Season

As 2019 draws to a close, and we start bundling up in our sweaters and coats, we’ve all got our eyes on a very special upcoming holiday. The colors, the celebrations, the fellowship, and yes, even the church service. Obviously, I’m talking about everyone’s favorite winter holiday: St. Patrick’s Day. A Christian feast day held […]

Parties and Music

Let’s talk party planning The most important detail of a party (after people and booze) is the atmosphere. While you can easily fix screw-ups like bad lighting or room temperature, bad music can ruin a night in ways that aren’t easy to come back from. People will laugh off one bad song, but two or […]